Capassa has been invited, as the only Norwegian invitee, to present Capassa – Your Digital CFO and speak about financing innovative SMB’s in Europe. . “It is a great for Capassa to be able to talk to experts, policy makers and key industry stakeholders about the challenges facing the industry and why it is important to help SMB’s become more financially viable” states Marit Wetterhus, CEO and Founder of Capassa. This opportunity was given to us after we spoke at an event hosted by Microsoft Norway, Microsoft Latvia and Finance Latvia.
We want to thank the following people from Microsoft, Kimberly Lein-Mathisen,Turid Kronstad, Silje Brenk Gulbrandsen, Izabela Hawryłko, Carina Reppesgård Ytre-Eide, Katarina Halkinrud and Ovia Chanu. Kristine Mennika from Finance Latvia and last, but not least Raymond Frenken, Burçak Inel Martenczuk, Tina Marolt and Daniel Bouzas at the European Banking Federation.